
2010年8月7日 星期六


自說自話說得多了,有時聽聽別人說話,更能增加自已的睿智, 尤其說話的人是以一針見血而幽默見稱的李。故今朝打開電腦時,樂見好友送來我多年來極為欣賞的台灣、但現應說中國的名嘴李.的語錄,見妙不可言, 若我不與讀者分享, 似乎說不通,故現也不應再阻撓李的智慧以其獨一無二的方式與以自身的面貌與讀者碰頭:

錢:      男人要是有錢, 和誰都有緣。







           鐵飯碗真正的意思,不是在一地方吃一輩子飯,而是 一輩子到那兒都有飯吃。


過去 現在   過去 一流學生出國,二流學生考研,三流學生就業。

                     現在 一流學生就業,二流學生出國,三流學生考研。

                     過去  學生不上大學,一輩子受窮。

                     現在  學生一上大學,馬上就窮。

鬼神            人幹了點好事,總想讓鬼神知道;



人生            一個今天,勝過兩個明天。










悲觀 樂觀      對前途要看得樂觀些,對人心要看得悲觀些。



說話                說出去之前你是說話的主人 ,說出去之後你是說話的奴隸。







                        現實中用真名說假話, 網絡中用假名說真話。




12 則留言:

  1. 「說話妙論語,     話別想當年,      妙句數今生,       論古今百態,        語重心長話...」 Good afternoon, my dear friend: It's good to see your chinese article, and you should write chinese besides English too... but put aside the Spanish, Hahaha... 'cause I don't understand Spanish...

    [版主回覆08/07/2010 19:52:00]Writing Chinese usually takes me at least 2 hours an article because more than 50% of the time wiill be spent looking for how the relevant Chinese words are "written". Sometimes, you forget the side, sometims you forget the other side, sometime the top, sometimes the bottom, sometimes the invididual components within a compound word. You know it looks like the word you want but you also somehow know that it doesn't look right. I got to look at an English/Chinese dictionary to try to get the word and it's simply too much of a hassle. The english articles normally takes less than an hour to maximum 2 hrs. I simply can't afford that kind of time looking up the relevant words. Sorry. I've got to stick to English! Thanks for the encouragement anyway! Have a nice productive weekend! Li Ngo is a very good writer.

  2. 極難得看到elzorro兄的中文部落文章啊
    相信你也費了不少時間  ^_^

    [版主回覆08/10/2010 09:42:00]Thank you. It's nice to see more trees, flowers, parks, sky more space and less people once in a while. Yes it did take more than the usual amount of time to write this blog in Chinese! 

  3. Good collection. Yes, very true and highly humorous. It’s not easy to be humorous overdoing of which becomes cynical and mean.
    [版主回覆08/10/2010 09:45:00]Humor is an art. Not to many words, nor too few. It takes a nimble mind and the kind of sensitivity of a seismograph to know when to move and when to stop.

  4. english chinese dictionary http://www.tigernt.com/dict.shtml http://tool.madeinchn.cn/tool-1-26.html 同音字、同韵字、多音字查询 hope this might help
    [版主回覆08/10/2010 09:50:00]Thanks for the tip.

  5. 真的很有意思! 對!雖不一定同意所有論點,但卻佩服他的智慧! 尤其是最後一句,簡直一針見血! 幸好,凡事總有例外, 所以,也相信不是所有人都是這樣的 . . . btw, enjoy America!!!
    [版主回覆08/10/2010 09:55:00]Yes, there are always exceptions and exception to exceptions, exception  to exceptions to...ad infinitum. That's the beauty of the world and of being human and what makes it fun to be alive. You never know whether you are right or wrong! There is order in disorder and disorder in order.

  6. Have a happy holiday and awaiting your return
    [版主回覆08/10/2010 09:58:00]I definitely will enjoy myself. Being away from work already is an enjoyment all by itself. But when you got to see your family, the joy is multiplied a trillion times. Not to worry. If I got time and the facility. I will definitely come back to say hello to my blog friends and visit them in their own sites.

  7. Thanks for your sharing ~
    Although I do not agree all his words,  but he is a knowledgeable man ~
    Have a beautiful day ^^
    [版主回覆08/12/2010 23:10:00]Yes he may be a bit extreme at times but what he says makes a lot of sense to me. The weather here is excellent in Virginia. It's sunny everyday!

  8. 認識你後...第一之閱你的中文文章....非常珍貴.....花了你兩小時嗎?但真的是很有意圖...謝謝你....不在港時....想念你... 等你回來分享每天的趣事... 祝你和家有有一個愉快的夏日假期

  9. 認識你後...第一 次 閱你的中文文章....非常珍貴.....花了你兩小時嗎?但真的是很有意 思 ...謝謝你....不在港時....想念你... 等你回來分享每天的趣事... 祝你和家有有一個愉快的夏日假期

    [版主回覆08/12/2010 23:08:00]Pleased to know you too. I appreciate your constant efforts to make some sense of everything you see. Yes. It takes nearly two hours because I need to use a hand written version software which does not always give me the character I need the first time I write it on the pad. I need to write it some 2 or three times before I got the word I want.It really is very bothersome. I have just bought a small Chinese booklet on "Chong Kit" which I am told will be very fast but it will take me a lot of time to learn to use it. Writing in Chinese is really a big hassle. I am having a good time with my family. Just went to see a Broadway Musical called Mary Poppins at the Kennedy Centre in Washington DC. It was wonderful. Will write about it when I have time.  

  10. If you decide to pick up Chong Kit, try to use the 速成 version which I have been using all the time. You are welcome to come over to my place for a demonstration.
    [版主回覆08/25/2010 04:06:00]Yes I must learn that too. That's what my secretary is using. Thanks for the tip.

  11. 香豌豆的花語:喜慶、優美、回憶 豌豆花剛長出來,從大體上看是白色的,但是你再仔細看,那層白紗衣裡面兩個小黑點,就如一個母親,給孩子百般的呵護。 樸素的豌豆花,在數不清的季節之後。想念它們的豁達,想念它們嫵媚入骨的平靜,更想念它們萬株一體的安詳。我感念無聲無息的泉源,在無數次的迷茫和掙扎之後。我感念它的明亮,感念它的純淨,感念它永不回頭、永不枯竭的柔韌,如同徹悟的心靈。

    [版主回覆08/25/2010 04:05:00]Just back from my holidays and recovering from my jet lag. It's wonderful to be back again and see my blog friend's latest creation. There are so many beautiful things in this world IF we bother to LOOK at them. Yet the irony is that they have ALWAYS been there! It is not as if they suddenly sprung into existence!They are all around us. I never looked at trees and flowers until I read the poetry of Lorca. Joining this blog world has opened my eyes to many beautiful flowers by fellow bloggers. Thanks for you sharing. Small, common and otherwise inconspicuous plants have each their own special beauty, just like the thoughts and personalities of fellow bloggerss. But it takes a sensitive pair of eyes to discover and a sensitve heart bring to light their own peculiar blend of beauty. If I learned anything from my American trip, it's the power, the endless inventiveness, stubbornness, resilience and the simplex beauty of life. Plants make us think and feel, if only momentarily, due to the pressures of making a living in such a competitive society as HK, about the nature of life. They push us back to our origins and make us realize what is important in life and what is not and are a source of perpetual wonder. They remind us what it means to be human again!

  12. http://a367.yahoofs.com/hkblog/q8NLFVCAFRmUC3IgRxjLxw--_8/blog/20100824060235281.jpg?ib_____D2t0LdRWa
    張相太大 sorry
