
2010年10月26日 星期二

Baudelaire's Correspondances (Correspondence)( 波德來爾之『對應』 )

Yesterday, I talked a little about Baudelaire's ideas about the function of poetry in the exploration of beauty. That forms part of the Baudelaire's thoughts about the function of art. But that does not exhaust his thoughts on the matter. In another poem, Correspondances, Baudelaire attempted to elaborate a little more about his theory of art. Let's find out what he has got to say on the subject by looking at the following poem, the translations of which follow below.

Correspondances                                               Correspondence                                        對應

La Nature est un temple où de vivant piliers         Nature is a temple where live pillars     大自然是一座廟宇

Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;            Sometimes let out confusing speeches;   在哪活生之柱有時發出紊亂之話語

L'homme y passe à travers des forets de symboles and man walks across forests of symbols人類走過以親切眼光            

Qui l' observent avec des regards familiers.           watching him with intimate looks.  觀察着他們的眾多象徾之林


Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent   As long echoes which bsfffle from afar      猶遠方不絕之迥響

Dans une ténèbreuse et profonde unité,          within a dim and deep unity,             在昏暗與深邃之統一中難以釐清,

Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté,            vast as the night and the light                 猶浩浩之黑夜與光芒,

Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se repondent. the perfumes, the colors and the sounds reply.香氣,色彩與聲音正作出回應。


Il est des parfums frais comme des chairs dénfants,   They are perfumes fresh as baby's flesh      香氣清新如嬰兒肌膚,

Doux comme les hautbois, verts comme les prairies,  sweet as flutes, green as meadows  若長笛般甜蜜,若草原般翠綠,

--Et d'autres, corrumpus, riches et trimophants,        --and others, corrupted, rich and triumphant,--其他的,腐敗,豐沃和洋洋得意,


Ayant l'expansion des choses                   Having expanded from things infinite  猶若攬着一些在不斷擴張中的永恆東西,

Comme l'ambre, le musc, le bonjoin et encens,     as amber, musc, benjamin and incense,  如琥珀,麝香,香木與乳香,

Qui chantent les transports de l'esprit et des sens  which sing of the uplifting of the spirit and of the senses 歌頌着精神與官能的狂喜。

In this poem, he images Nature as a gigantic temple. In that temple there are all kind of voices. Sometimes such voices will try to speak to us and tell us what they wish to do. They will talk in jumbles, confusedly. Yet hidden deep within Nature, there is a certain unity in such apparently baffling and confusing voices. They would speak to us through symbols which populate Nature like so many forests of different kinds of trees. The trees he refers to are probably the trees of languages, the live pillars of Nature that he was talking about in the first line of the first stanza. And the symbols of such trees are constantly watching over and observing mankind. But the pillars of Nature can also be interpreted differently as something related to the male body. Baudelaire is a dandy whose stepfather is a senator and he spent his days in Paris visiting brothels and indulging in the other pleasures of the body and of the senses. By using ambiguous sysmbols which can mean different things because of their very ambiguity, he is able to engage the imagination of his readers.

To Baudelaire, the different sounds of words would echo throughout Nature as if from very far away but in that dark and hazy world, there is not only darkness. One may also find there light too. And they may speak to us through the language of smells, odors, perfumes as he says, through ambers, musk, benjamin ( a kind of tree in America or in Indonesia from whose bark we can extract a white substance which has a wonderful aroma which is sometimes used in cooking or medicine) and incense. In the third stanza, Baudelaire uses mixed images. He says that the perfumes has the peculiar smell of the skin of a baby and is as sweet as the sound of the flute and as green as the color of the grass meadows. Here we find that correspondence which he is talking about: the sensation of smell is successively described in terms of sound and in terms of sight!  This is the kind of mixing of the different sensations occuring deep within the human psyche where the structural similarity of information coming to us through our different senses are given a certain unity by the mental processes of our brain. This is a form of what some psychologists or philosophers have called synesthesia: the mixing of the sensations coming from our eyes, our ears,  our noses, our tongues and simply our skin. At a very primitive state of our development, our only contact with the external world is our skin! It is only later that different areas of our skin become specialized sensory cells for a more subtle and discriminating sensing of the external environment. The brain delights in such mixing of sensations. He says that such smells are singing praises to the common joy of both our spirit and our senses. If one were able to read French, one could feel the fusion of sound with sense by hearing not only the end rhymes of the original French lines but also the internal rhyming of the words within each line and from line to line. This kind of writing is first introduced by Baudelaire and was later developed by such poets as Arthur Rimbaud, and and also Anna Maria Rilke and  found its highest development in the poetry of Mallarmé.  This kind of writing later also influenced the poetry of such English poets and writers as Algernon Swinsburne, W. B Yeats, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and in America the poetry of William Carlos Williams, Carl Sandburg and Allen Ginsburg.

5 則留言:

  1. 嘩 . 哩編都好長呢. ......... 瞓醒再慢慢睇啦 .. Good night
    [版主回覆10/26/2010 22:31:00]Ha, Ha. Take your time. For God's sake, this is not homework! Good night! Hope this won't give you a nightmare! 

  2. "Natural,   Act according to your own free will,    Travelling around life,     Upon all living things ,      Rest between each breathe it takes,       Alive and affectionate,        Live long and have fun... "  Good night, my dear natural friend  ! 

    [版主回覆10/26/2010 23:22:00]My dear old good friend. Thank you for your signature Black Leopard poem and the Natural food channel! Good night.

  3. The nature is full of different languages, 
    many different sounds,  trees,  flowers,  raindrops,  withered leaves,  woods,  birds,  colours of the nature are rich too ...
    so many many things and languages inside,  some are mermering,  some are singing,  some are frightening ...
    there are different kinds of perfume,  smell, 
    We should praise the nature with all our heart ... not only praise of its beauty,  also it riches our imaginations in all fields.
    [版主回覆10/27/2010 07:38:00]
    Yes 葉子 is right. Nature talks to us in languages of flowers, leaves, trees, raindrops, birds, clouds, skies, streams, rivers, waterfalls, hills and mountain and in all kinds of shapes and colours, all kinds of sounds that murmur, sing and all kinds of smells, aromas, perfumes....I heard the words and languages of Nature when I visited the Yellow Stone Park with my family in my recent trip to America. I understand what you're telling me. And I felt so blessed to be able to see them, hear them, smell them, touch them and feel them. It's good to be alive. But there are beautiful things elsewhere too, if only we will spare  a litle time to look for them in the right places and above all, with the right kind of eyes. 

  4. Our mind can be as unfettered, unperturbed, forgiving and loving when we are in the embrace of mother Nature and it’s only then that we realize that we are only a small part of the integral whole of Nature, and not superior to Her as her master. I have traveled to many places and this is how I feel whenever I am in the presence of the wide and starry sky, the boundless sea, the vast wilderness, the azure firmament, the verdant pastures, flower-studded river banks, murmuring streams, the rhythm of falling rain, the roaring cascades, singing birds and dancing butterflies… Even a little wild flower or a turf of petty grass growing by the corner of a dilapidated wall is an expression of vigorous life, singing out their praises. Only when we respect and love Nature that we are one with Nature, that we rejoice at the harmony of life and weep with grateful tears.
    [版主回覆10/27/2010 18:11:00]
    Yes, by dint of living amidst slabs of concrete, steel and glass ever since our birth, we have lost touch with our primordial roots. We forget that at one time, our ancestors were tree dwelling apes and only later learned to walk upon our hind legs amongst the prairies of Africa and that our very being is intimately connected with Nature and its hills, valleys, its flowers, trees, etc. and its animals, its birds and its insects. We have become estranged from them. As a result, we become unhappy until we return to her bosom to be soothed, consoled, caressed and regaled by her as a child returns to her mother.
    But Baudelaire wrote of the squalor, the decay, decadence, the depravity, the hypocrisy, and the anger, the fear, the despair in short the darkness of the greatest mid-19th century metropolis, Paris and depicted in incomparable and completely novel images the incessant struggles and the intolerable tensions between the flesh and the spirit, between reason and emotion, between the head and the heart, between the body and the soul, between heaven and hell, between the angel and the devil.  He culled from such unpromising materials and fashioned from them with consummate skill a poetry of beauty, the dark beauty of evil, as he said, the flowers of evil!

  5. 呵呵. .今日天氣轉敏感成對眼腫晒呢 .. 哩編又要繼續慢慢睇啦 ..哈哈
    [版主回覆10/27/2010 22:02:00]That's bad. Wealthy people usually have more sensitive eyes. Have you seen an eye doctor? Since the weather is likely to continue to be cool for a couple of days, better be careful. The blog articles won't be deleted for a long long time. Your eyes are more important. Don't get your priorities wrong! Rest well. Get well soon!
