
2010年10月7日 星期四

Neruda's Oda al otoño (Ode to Autumn聶魯達的秋之頌) I

Having introduced Lorca's Autumn, there is no reason why I should be unfair to another great Spanish poet Pablo Neruda. So last night, I looked through those poem collections of his that I still have. And to my delight, I found one! But my delight did not last long. His Oda al otoño is quite long.  It runs to 6 stanzas: 5 long plus a short one. So I'll probably have to do the translations one or two stanzas at a time. Here is my first instalment.

Oda al otoño                  Ode to Autumn                秋之頌

Ay cuánto tiempo           There is a time of           曾幾何時        

tierra                              the earth                        大地

sin otoño                        without autumn,             無秋

cómo pudo vivirse!         how could it live!           如何生活!

Ah qué opresiva             ah how oppressive          呀水仙子

náyade                           naiad                              多麽壓人

la primavera                  spring                              春季

con sus escandalosos   with its scandalous            與其羞人之

pezones                        nipples                               乳頭

mostrándolos en todos  showing on all                 展露世間

los árboles del mundo   the trees of the world      所有樹上

y luego                          and later                          後來

el verano,                      in summer,                       夏季 ,

trigo,                             wheat,                              麥子,

trigo,                             wheat,                              麥子,

intermitentes                  intermittent                    間歇的

grillos,                           crickets,                           蟋蟀,

cigarras,                        cicadas,                            蟬,

sudor desenfrenado.     uncontrollable sweat.  停不了的汗水。

Entonces                      Then                                  然後

el aire                           the air                                空氣

trae por la mañana        brings to the morning      給早晨帶來

un vapor de planeta.     a vapor of the planet.       行星之氣。

Desde otra estrella        From another star            從另一星

caen gotas de plata.      fall drops of silver.           掉下銀點。

Se respira                    Breathes                             變動正

el cambio                     change                                跨界

de fronteras,                across borders,                  呼吸,

de la humeda al viento, from dampness to wind,   濕氣化風,

del viento a las raíces.  from wind to roots.           風化根莖。

Algo sordo, profundo, Something deaf, deep         有些無聲,深遽的東西

trabaja bajo la tierra    stirs beneath the earth     在地下蠕動

almacenado sueños.     stored dreams.                   藏着夢想。

La energia se ovilla,      Strength is rolled into a ball  力量球化              

la cinta                         the ribbon                              受孕之

de las fecundaciones     of fertilization                       絲帶

enrolla                          rolls                                       捲成

sus anillos.                    its rings.                                指環。


Modesto es el otoño   modest is autumn                   秋季是謙遜的

como los leñadores.   as woodcutters.                      若樵夫。

Cuesta mucho           It's a lot of work                      須付出很多以

sacar todas las ojas to remove all the leaves            割下每國

de todos los árboles  of all the trees                          每株樹之

de todos los paises.  of all the countries.                   每片葉。

La primavera           Spring                                      春季

las cosió volando     stitched them on the fly           飛快把他們縫上

y ahora                    and now                                   而現在

hay que dejarlas    we have to allow them             須讓他們

caer como si fueran to fall as if                             若黄雀 

párajos amarillos.   they were yellow birds            墮下。

No es fácil.              It's not easy.                          這不易為

Hace falta tiempo.  Not much time                      時間很少

Hay que correr por todos You have to go through 須走遍

los caminos,\             all the paths,                        所有路

hablar idiomas,        talk                                        說

sueco,                       Swedish,                                 瑞與語

portuguès,                 Portuguese,                             葡萄牙語

hablar en lenga roja, talk in red language            以紅語

en lengua verde.       in green language.                綠語說話。

Hay que saber         You have to know                  必須懂怎樣使

callar en todos        to still every                           所有語言

los idiomas              tongue                                    停口

y en todas partes,   and everywhere                      而在各地

siempre                  always                                    永

dejar caer,             let fall,                                    讓

caer,                      fall,                                        葉子

dejar caer,            let fall,                                   墮下

caer,                     fall,                                        讓他們墮下

las hojas.             the leaves.                              墮下。



19 則留言:

  1. Good morning!  It's always great to come here because reading your article like listening to a piece of soft music. Thank you! Elzorro.
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 10:19:00]Thank you for your kind words. I shall try to write so as not to disappoint. 

  2.  今次好好多有好多解釋 呢 . .高人哥哥  
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 10:15:00]Thank you for you compliments but please stop addressing me by that noun. It is an "improper" noun! It places an intolerable burden on my shoulders!

  3. It places an intolerable burden on my shoulders! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 咁易 ? ..咁點叫呀哥哥 ... 高過傻熊就係高啦 哈哈 ..  叫你927 哥哥 啦
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 10:22:00]If you keep on doing that. I have a weapon too. It's called the "blacklist." . Anything but that horrible axe on my neck! 

  4.  It's called the "blacklist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 嘩..... 好惡 呀. .講0下笑0者咁快要入黑名單 ..........  好驚呀.. elzorro927 "蝦" 細路熊呀
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 10:43:00]If you promise to behave, El Zorro has a soft spot in his heart too!

  5. Thanks for introducing Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Autumn". It's a nice way to learn Spanish with your translation.
    I have found this You Tube clip called "Ode al Amor" (Ode to love?) by Pablo Neruda for your enjoyment.

    [版主回覆10/07/2010 10:41:00]In fact, I am learning Spanish as I do the translations too. Doing translations of poem of one of the ways I use to improve on my  Spanish. In fact, I got a Spanish exam tonight!
    Thanks for the introduction. You're always great in helping me find resources on the internet! Thank you so much again!

  6. Any time, sir!
    Best of luck ( mejor de las suertes?) with your Spanish exam tonight!
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 13:36:00]Muchas gracias!

  7. 好美的詩篇呢
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 13:37:00]Thank you for visiting. Thank the poet, not me.

  8. Dear Elzorro, I've just learnt that You are going to have an exam tonight, so wish you all the best!
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 15:28:00]Thank you. Very kind of you.

  9. reading this spanish poem has reminded me the words that i have long forgotten. must relearn spanish. thanks for the translation, else i wouldnt have a chance to appreciate Neruda's poems....
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 22:21:00]It's good to be reminded of what one has forgotten from time to time. Glad to be instrumental in rekindling your interest in this beautiful language!

  10. 汪洋中的一葉扁舟2010年10月7日 晚上8:23

    [版主回覆10/07/2010 21:39:00]Neruda writes very simply and sensuously. He doesn't waste words. Glad you like him too.

  11. love the poems of Neruda, esp. this one, "If You Forget Me"
    Spanish exam tonight? good luck
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 22:03:00]I don't think I have seen the poem you mentioned. I have got The Poetry of Pablo Neruda ed. by Ilan Stavans , Odes to Opposites ed. by  Jen Krabbenhoft and Selected  Poems, Pablo Neruda ed. by Nathaniel Tarn also his Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada which I have already translated. Do you have the exact Spanish name of the poem? Maybe I can look it up and do a Chinese translation of that too.
    The Exam is over now. I had to leave office early and spent two solid hours to do revision. It was time well spent. I don't think I should have any problems and graduate to the next class. I was told by the Registry staff there that it was the highest ever ran by Baptist U in its history!.

  12. "Si tú me olvidas" by Neruda
    I search it from the Internet and do not know if it is correct
    [版主回覆10/07/2010 23:49:00]Found it on the internet. Will do my English and Chinese translations from the Spanish original later. Must ask you to bear with me for a while after I'm done with the autumn poems first.

  13. (Empty)
    [版主回覆10/08/2010 09:44:00]Wow! What a big mellon! Thanks.

  14. This poem makes me feeling the love of nature ...
    The autumn is so beautiful with the colours of yellowing leaves which all falling down just no different in any country ~ I think Neruda wants to tell all the people the nature of love is the same to human being ~ SO ~ we should share our love to each other with any racial discrimination,  we should praise the world with our thankgiving heart to celebrate the pure love as the nature does to us ...

  15. This poem makes me feeling the love of nature ...
    The autumn is so beautiful with the colours of yellowing leaves which all falling down just no different in any country ~ I think Neruda wants to tell all the people the nature of love is the same to human being ~ SO ~ we should share our love to each other without  racial discrimination,  we should praise the world with our thankgiving heart and to celebrate the pure love as the nature does to us ...
    [版主回覆10/08/2010 09:38:00]Yes, you are right. Neruda helps us realize the beauty of autumn which belongs to the entire world, irresepctive of the kind of language we speak. Of course, he speaks in Spanish and writes in Spanish. But what he writes about is universal. He writes about something which we can all see and feel. We should all celebrate the fact that we are still alive and are still able to witness the peculiar beauty that is autumn's: its reds and its golds.

  16. Perhaps this may be of use :

    [版主回覆10/08/2010 09:35:00]Thank you so much. As always, you are invariably helpful. Thanks again!

  17. Good morning! Elzorro,  Wish you have a best result of your Spanish exam.  Have a pleasant day!!! Any more exam for you?
    [版主回覆10/08/2010 09:42:00]Good morning, my young lady. I have very modest hopes. I merely hope to be just good enough to be able to be accepted into the next class so that I can continue to explore this beautiful language and the poems written with it. No more exam until the end of the next quarter which will begin some time in November.
    Have a productive day.

  18. oh! thank you to
    that I could have a chance to learn the poem , " if you forget me", which  from YouTube clip just now. I like it. Thank You!!!
    [版主回覆10/08/2010 19:35:00]Yes, Superman is truly helpful!

  19. Good morning! Elzorro, wish you have a pleasing day today, and take a rest as you have just finished your exam.  
    [版主回覆10/09/2010 09:37:00]I am used to deadlines. Deadlines only stress me only very briefly. Once the deadlines are past, I'm back to my bouncy self! I do not know why, perhaps God really loves me, not that I have done anything to deserve it, I am naturally happy almost every moment. So you bet I'm going to have a very good day, just like any other day! I'd certainly relax over the weekend. I'm beginning to think that I may have become a wee bit too proficient in "relaxing"!  I need to work more!
