
2010年11月25日 星期四

Gibran on Love. 2

Yesterday was an extremely busy day. I had to work until almost 8 p.m. and then I had to have dinner with my relatives. I did not have much time. So I just picked up a small book. It was a real pocket book:  4 by 6 inches. It's called "The Little Book of Love". I opened it at random. The following is what I found.

Yesterday I stood at the temple door interrogating the passers-by about the mystery and merit of Love.

And before me passed an old man with an emaciated and melancholy face, who sighed and said: "Love is a natural weakness bestowed upon us by the first man."

But a virile youth retorted:" Love joins our present with the past and the future."

Then a woman with a tragic face sighed and said: "Love is a deadly poison injected by black vipers, that crawl from the caves of hell. The poison seems fresh as dew and the thirtsy soul eagerly drinks it, but after the first intoxication the drinker sickens and dies a slow death."

Then a beautiful, rosy-cheeked damsel smilingly said: "Love is a wine served by the brides of Dawn which strengthens strong souls and enables them to ascend to the stars."

After her a black-robed, bearded man, frowning said: "Love is blind ignorance with which youth begins and ends."

Another, smiling, declared: "Love is a divine knowledge that enables men to see as much as the gods."

Then said a blind man, feeling his way with a cane: "Love is a blinding mist that keeps the soul from discerning the secret of existence, so that the heart sees only trembling phantoms of desire among the hills, and hears only echoes of cries from vociceless valleys."

A young man, playing on his viol, sang: "Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminating the surrounding earth. It enables us to perceive Life as a beautiful dream between one awakening and another."

And a feeble ancient, dragging his feet like two rags, said, in quavering tones: "Love is the rest of the body in the quiet of the grave, the tranquility of the soul in the depth of Eternity."

And a five-year-old child, after him, said laughing: "Love is my father and my mother, and no one knows Love save my father and mother."

And so, all who passed spoke of Love as the image of their hopes and frustrations, leaving it a mystery as before.

Then I heard a voice within the temple: "Life is divided into two halves, one frozen, the other aflame; the burning half is Love."

                                                                     from Thoughts and Meditations

Is love as Gibran said, the image of people's hopes and frustrations or a mixture of fire and ice? What is your version, your understanding of this mysterious and yet endlessly fascinating emotion?


4 則留言:

  1. (Empty)
    [版主回覆11/25/2010 10:29:00]A game of pursuit!? Whatever it is, it's exciting and fun!

  2. (Empty)
    [版主回覆11/25/2010 10:39:00]More than a game? Two bodies, two hearts, two souls, two hopes entwined?
    One big Thank you for two vivid contributions! So THANK YOU!

  3. ...Only when there is hope, then there is fruitful love... ...Only when there is disaster, then there is rotten love... "Love rots, love grows, love flies...   Rots in bits and rusty pieces of broken dreams,     Love is food, love is health, love is a thought...      Grows when there is happiness,        Love dies when there is sorrow and tear and broken promises,         Flies away by itself, non-stop flight to nowhere..."  Good evening, my dear old friend ! 

    [版主回覆11/25/2010 22:45:00]Sometimes, love may run awry but always it runs from one heart towards another and when the heart is weary, overburdened, or disappointed, it dies and sometimes, it dies bit by bit, through lack of care or through its desire for novelty!. 

  4. What is love ...

    [版主回覆11/25/2010 23:55:00]Thanks for this interesting article. But to me, it's a great pity the writer did not look for love in the right place. He looked for it outside when he should have looked for it inside! Love is a biological urge. Evolution has wisely provided us with certain pleasure giving, soothing and relaxing feeling through the secretion of the right kind of hormones like dopamine when we feel light in the head and passion in our heart! Love is necessary for our surival both individually and as a species! Hence the candy of love in the form the right kind of hormones. Nature seldom wastes anything for long if it does not serve a useful purpose!
