
2010年11月26日 星期五

Yu Guangzhong's "Magic Mirror" (余光中的『魔鏡』)

Got a little time after the Spanish lesson yesterday. Finally the new textbooks have arrived. I was so fortunate, one of our fellow classmates was so considerate that she bought extra copies for the other students, knowing that some of us may be so busy that we may not have time to go to that only bookstore in Tsimshatsui with whom the college has made arrangements for the books to be delivered to Hong Kong direct from Spain. So I got my copy without even having to budge from my seat in class! I'm so grateful to her.  Since I got a little time, I did another one of Yu Guangzhong's poems.

It just so happen that fellow blogger Michelle Chi has just posted another one of her videos cum poetry set to music in which a sunset figures at its conclusion. And yesterday, I posed a question on what is love and another fellow blogger SuperBrother posted numerous answers in his blog. I'm so lucky! Somehow, the gods must like me!

            魔鏡                                             The  Magic Mirror

落日的迴光,夢的倒影             Dying rays of sunset, reflections of dreams  

掛得最高的一面魔鏡                 The highest magic mirror ever hung

高過全世界的塔尖和屋頂         higher than the tips of all towers and roofs of the world

高過所有的高窗和窗口的遠愁  higher than the distant sorrows of all tall windows and  its opening

而淡金或是幻銀的流光            and the fleeting glow of light gold or magical silver 

卻温柔地俯下身來                     bowing down softly

安慰一切的仰望                         soothing all hopes 

就連最低處的臉龐                   even of the lowliest faces


高不可觸,那一面魔鏡             Unreachabably high, the magic mirror

掛在最近神話的絕頂                  hangs upon the summit closest to myths

害得所有的情人                           forcing lovers

都舉起寂莫的眼睛                      to lift their lonely eyes

向著同一個空空的鏡面             towards the same surface of the mirror all bare

尋找各自渴望的容顏                 each seeking the faces they thirst after

不管是一夜或是一千年             for a night or a thousand years

空鏡面上什麽都不見                 nothing appears on the surface of that mirror all bare


除了隱約的雀斑點點                But for the specks of half hidden freckles

和清輝轉動淡金或幻銀           and the clear light churning light gold or magical silver

卻阻擋不了可憐的情人           nothing can stop the poor lovers

依然痴痴向魔鏡                        from doting on the magic mirror

尋找假面具後的容顏               seeking faces behind the masks

從中秋找得元夜,就像今宵   from Mid-Autumn Fesitval to the Festival night of the first full moon, as tonight

對似真似幻的月色                     facing the moonlight now real now irrreal

苦尋你鏡中的絕色                    seeking the perfect beauty in your mirror in zeal.. 

To the poet, the moon is a magic mirror. It is empty and bare perhaps even vacuous. But since it is empty and bare, it can be the vessel of the dreams of all lovers from the mid-autumn festival to the mid-month festival of the first full month of the Chinese lunar calendar. All lovers long to see the faces of their beloved under the moon. In China, the moon is the abode of the Lady Sheung. The empty mirror may also be the poet's symbol for the illusion which lovers endlessly project on to the void of the universe. There, he highlights for us, not the empty moon hanging high in the empty sky, but the ultimate emptiness or illusions of all lovers. Yet as I say repeatedly to my friends, all human beings are experts in one thing. They are all specialist in fooling themselves in finding things where there are none: they are all dreamers. They dream of love!

3 則留言:

  1. Thank you for your today's sharing! This is a beautiful poem - both in its original Chinese version and your translated English version. The moon is a symbol of beauty and from our childhood, we've been told fairy tales about the moon. Hence, apart from its beauty, the moon is also mysterious and the object of our fancies and imagination.
    Dreaming is a projection of our wishes deep inside our subconscious mind. It does not matter whether our dreams will come true or not. People enjoy dreaming (including day dreaming ) anyway and perhaps some of the dreams will come true. So, don't give up dreaming although in the course of it, we may seem like fools to others!

    [版主回覆11/26/2010 19:48:00]Your're right. There is a sense in which we "are" our dreams! When we cease to dream, we know that it's time to go!

  2. "Mirror of love, river of dreams,   Of reflections of our inner most desires of how love should be,     Love from the deepest of our hearts,      River of love imaginations,       Of romance and glories and medals of great love,         Dreams of love ventures through time and space..."  Good evening, my dear old friend !

    [版主回覆11/26/2010 19:52:00]Right you are! Dreams and love are twin sisters. You seldom find one without the other! Maybe the river of love plunges into the mirror!

  3. Yes, that's why so many poems have been written for the moon and so few for the sun. Maybe the moon, ever so serene so soft, also reminds us of the tenderness of mothers.
    [版主回覆11/27/2010 09:43:00]The moon is bright, changes phases with the time of the month, never rejects anyone and accepts all: just like a mother should be.
