
2012年4月22日 星期日

A Tree in bloom《一棵開花的樹》

《一棵開花的樹》                        A Tree in Bloom

如何讓你遇見我                        How to let you see me

在我最美麗的時刻、為這           at my most beautiful moment   for this

我已在佛前、求了五百年           I've already begged the Buddha   for five hundred years

求祂讓我們結一段塵緣              begging him to let us conclude an earthy liaison

佛於是把我化作一棵樹             The Buddha turned me into a tree

長在你必經的路旁                     growing beside a path you must pass

陽光下慎重地開滿了花             Under the sun I cautiously bloom

朵朵都是我前世的盼望             every flower a hope from my former life

當你走近、請你細聽                When you approach, please listen with care

那顫抖的葉是我等待的熱情     Those trembling leaves are my passion in waiting

而當你終於無視地走過            When you finally walk past unseeing

在你身後落了一地的               behind you what fell on the ground

朋友啊!那不是花瓣               my friend!  are not petals

是我凋零的心。                      but my withered heart.

席慕蓉  Xi Mu Rong                 trans. El Zorro 亞達梭羅


出版作品如下: 詩集有《七里香》、《無怨的青春》、《時光九篇》、《水與石的對話》、《河流之歌》 ;散文集有 《成長的痕跡》、《畫出心中的彩虹》、《三弦》、《有一首歌》、《同心集》、《寫給幸福》、《在那遙遠的地方》、《信物》、《寫生者》、《我的家在高原上》、《江山有待》、《黃羊》《玫瑰》《飛魚》。作品中浸潤東方古老哲學,宗教色彩,透露出一種人生無常的蒼涼韻味。

7 則留言:

  1. 五百年的一段塵緣如何了結、相逢應不識、我佛何太忍,要他飽嘗離別恨!
    [版主回覆04/22/2012 12:02:11]God, the Buddha, Nature, the Tao are just. It gives to man what he needs most, no more, no less. The trouble is, man does not always desire what is of most benefit to him. Man is often due to his ignorance, foolish. Therefore God (insofar as he is the principle of an impersonal love), the Buddha (insofar as as it has compassion for all) may often have to be cruel to be kind. When God/Buddha may sometimes appear to be "cruel", the "cruelty" does not reside in reality but only in the illusion of man.

  2. This is one of 席慕蓉's best known and best loved poem by many. You did such a great translation job as not only have you retained the original meaning of this poem but you also managed to use simple English to make it easily understandble to English readers!
    [版主回覆04/23/2012 08:32:58]Thank Xi Mu Rong. I love her poetry. My only wish is to do her justice. I'm sure I haven't. I just hope that more people will know about how good she is. That's the whole point of my translation.

  3. 精鍊之譯, 沒有一分贅肉.
    [Peter回覆04/23/2012 09:50:32]Yes, go on and put your best foot forward.
    [版主回覆04/23/2012 09:48:28]There are not very many things I am sure about.
    But I can say that continuing to share what I thinks are good poems in different languages with other poetry lovers through my translations is one of the few things I am sure about.
    [Peter回覆04/23/2012 09:38:51]Words of praises falling on different ears can be flatteries or encouragements. I am sure you are sane enough to take whatever path you think fit. Keep up the effort.
    [版主回覆04/23/2012 09:27:25]The path to hell is paved with flattery! I have no wish to go there yet. But thanks all the same.

  4. 有人說她像三毛, 但她在蒼茫中有點開朗奔放, 而她常帶有些些家國情懷, 也常緬懷逝去的青春歲月......我愛她的文筆......那是第一刻的觸動....
    [版主回覆04/24/2012 08:14:00]She is a very good poet, simple, direct, sensitive, completely without any forced sentimentality and she chooses well the kind of details to bring out the kind of feeling she wishes to express.

  5. 這也是很喜歡的一首新詩! ~~~~~~ El Zorro 譯得太好了! 謝謝分享! ~~~~~~~~ 假期愉快!
    [版主回覆04/30/2012 10:52:05]She is a good poet. My translation is far from good. But thank you for your compliments nonetheless.

  6. 原作富有情韻, 譯作簡潔而不失原味, 好享受啊, 謝謝.
    [版主回覆04/30/2012 22:33:04]You should thank the poet!
