
2012年6月13日 星期三

Golden Petals

Whenever Chinese talk about flowers, it's rare that they don't mention a flower which blooms all year round but especially in autumn. It's the chrysanthemum, which has been cultivated as a herb as far back as 1500 BC. The name Chrysanthemum comes from two Greek words: "chrysos" meaning gold and "anthemon" meaning flower. As its name implies, it is mostly golden in color.

It may be multilayer, with wavy petals, like this one.

Or it may have a triple layer of dagger like petals

or it may have long strip like petals, like this one.

It may be light yellow.

stronger yellow

opening out more

and may be yellow with a darker "heart"

Or orange with a brown "heart"

or orange color with a yellow "heart"

It may have a single layer of creamy  petals

It may have upright petals in yellow

Another one even more upright.

It may have more upright petals in orange

It may have a different type of heart

Their shape keeps changing as they open up

Some have curled petals

Curled petals opening out.

The heart of another beautiful chrysanthemum.

The full flower.

According to the international classification system, there are a total of 13 forms according to the way the flower blooms and the way the ray florets and the disk florets are arranged. But whatever form they may have, I can never adequately describe how much joy they gave me at the last flower show where these photos were taken.

2 則留言:

  1. Asombroso!
    [超哥回覆06/15/2012 09:44:22]gracias señor
    [版主回覆06/15/2012 09:30:06]Soy de acuerdo con Superhombre !
    [超哥回覆06/15/2012 08:37:35]I was just saying to Peter, "If you do not understand Spanish, how come you could write in Spanish?"
    [版主回覆06/15/2012 06:21:41]No comprendo todo que has escrito en japonés a Peter.
    [超哥回覆06/14/2012 14:28:19]Peter : あなたがスペイン語を理解していない場合はスペイン語書くことができますどのように来る
    [Peter回覆06/14/2012 12:12:34]Lo sentimos, no entiendo español.
    [超哥回覆06/14/2012 11:27:47] Buen trabajo mi amigo! Tus fotos son cada vez mejor y mejor! Lo siento por mi español oxidado!
    [版主回覆06/14/2012 09:30:47]Muchas gracias. Me da muchas placeres compartir mis photos con mis amigos.

  2. 特別喜愛尾6的1種,謝謝分享生命力强的花種^^
    [版主回覆06/14/2012 23:24:55]Yes, it's 5 rings of different colors and texture are really beautiful. I like it too.
