
2012年10月10日 星期三

Autumn is Come

Autumn is come. The signs are obvious: cooler weather, longer
shadows, shorter days, clearer skies, drier air etc. We have been living in the city for
so long that it feels as if nothing much has changed: the streets are as
crowded, the traffic as congested, the same buildings stand where we
see them everyday. We go to the same offices, the same restaurants, the
same supermarkets and return at the end of the day to the same homes. We see the same family members, we meet the same colleagues at the office and the same friends after work. Yet it's not the
same in nature: certain flowers have disappeared, others are blooming still,
seed pods have turned into melons, berries, fruits... Dragon flies and
butterflies are busy breeding. Quietly but unmistakably, they tell of the arrival
of the season of maturity, the coming of a season of soft breezes, free from torrential rains, the brash
thunderclaps and lightning flashes of the previous season, free from the frenetic
blooming of those flowers which seem to be able to thrive only between the quick reverses of sunlight and rain within a few hours.

The leaves of the shrubs are turning yellow

Older leaves are changing colors

Green has turned to yellow and then brown. We see the gradual change of color from the innermost part of the leaf towards its edges.

Some have become worm eaten.

Some have turned brown at the edges

There seems little chance of this little leaf to grow to its full size now. Nature is merciless: late comers have to face their fate, just like millions of others before them.

But some hibiscus seem determined to make a desperate dash against time

but they seem to have lost some of its bright summer colors

Having struggled, its petals start wrinkling.

A jumble of flowers and leaves sharing the same fate

But this little white zephyr lily is not yet ready to call it a day.

And certainly not these little buds of the Chinese ixora.

But the sun who has seen all, will continue to bestow its golden glow upon everything at its leisure. The sun is just: it makes no distinctions of who or what you are. It has done so for millions of years past. And it doesn't look like it'll change its habit for a really long time still to come.

8 則留言:

  1. Autumn is a season suitable for napping in the afternoon and strolling after supper.
    [版主回覆10/10/2012 17:38:48]I'm sure that you'd have plenty of opportunity to do that on Ping Chau !

  2. Beautiful photos especially the first one !
    Thanks for sharing. ^_^
    [版主回覆10/10/2012 18:03:38]Yes, I like it. I'm glad you like it too !

  3. Yes indeed, Autum is come! I do say you are a poet at heart! So, here’s another eloguent depiction of Autumn just for you. Do you recognise this poem?

    O hushed October morning mild,
    Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
    Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
    Should waste them all.
    The crows above the forest call;
    Tomorrow they may form and go.
    O hushed October morning mild,
    Begin the hours of this day slow.
    Make the day seem to us less brief.
    Hearts not averse to being beguiled,
    Beguile us in the way you know.
    Release one leaf at break of day;
    At noon release another leaf;
    One from our trees, one far away;
    Retard the sun with gentle mist;
    Enchant the land with amethyst.
    Slow, slow!
    For the grapes’sake, if they were all,
    Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,
    Whose clustered fruit must else be lost-
    For the grapes’sake along the wall.
    [紅粉大導回覆10/10/2012 18:13:06]Spot on!
    [版主回覆10/10/2012 17:47:53]Robert Frost, one of my favourite poets ! Thanks.

  4. Sorry typo, I meant eloquent depiction!

  5. You have captured autumn well in your photos!
    [版主回覆10/11/2012 19:08:30]Thank you. Autumn speaks to us through its sensitive vegetation.

  6. 這邊很秋了,15至20
    [無明十郎回覆10/17/2012 12:40:24]這邊秋不及您鏡頭下秋!
    [版主回覆10/17/2012 12:19:50]You mean very autumn at 寬窄巷 ?

  7. So as-a-matter-of-fact yet poetic! You seem to see the world in a leaf!
    [版主回覆10/19/2012 07:01:53]Autumn is indeed a very pleasant season
    [Gravel回覆10/19/2012 00:55:47]No more sticky back and sweaty armpits - most treasurable of autumn!
    [版主回覆10/17/2012 12:21:40]Autumn is everywhere, if we just bother to open our eyes, even in a leaf, the slanting of the sun, the farewell to sticky humidity upon our face and our back !

  8. 秋天似乎也很多感觸.
    [版主回覆10/19/2012 00:07:53]yes. autumn reminds one not to waste time over triviality and to live more fully each moment of time left to us.
