
2013年3月14日 星期四

Clear Water Bay Country Park (清水灣郊野公園)

Last Sunday lived up to its name. It was a day full of sun. Perfect for a walk out in the countryside. I did just that.

After getting off at the roundabout where my trek up the Clear Water Bay Country Park trail was to begin, I found these giant flowers which look like so many flared trumpets announcing the arrival of Spring: its delicacy, its freshness and its irrepressible vitality.

How like the lower portion of an elegant lady's evening gown?

Leaves lost no time in spreading out

Everywhere I turned my eyes to, I found buds, buds, buds, for flowers as for leaves.

Others were busy to fan out too under the sun

See how vigorously they push.towards the sun, the eternal prime mover of all terrestrial Life  !

Not enough green yet to mask the underlying red

making unbelievable patterns of green yellow and red

Those plants which do not like to have anything to do with iron are content with mere yellows. 

Some plants prefer to be more low keyed.

Others feel no such constraints at all.

A rare species of allamanda with purple instead of purely yellow petals

The flames of Spring !. I can feel it in my bones !

8 則留言:

  1. Beautiful photos of a sunny sunday full of sunshine.
    [版主回覆03/15/2013 23:45:22]not only sunshine but fun and surprises.

  2. Seems you like take photo of flower a lot.
    [版主回覆03/15/2013 23:45:56]Flowers and leaves are often unbelievably beautiful.

  3. 梭羅兄拍人拍花拍景都一流!
    [版主回覆03/15/2013 23:46:38]

  4. pretty pics ~ what brand of you camera?
    [版主回覆03/15/2013 23:47:13]Thx. It's Olympus OMD 5

  5. Suddenly feel poetic so here is an impromptu to celebrate your beautiful flowers:

    What a bountiful take,
    Of forerunners announcing more in the wake,
    To bedeck the hills and lakes;
    And all these for Spring's sake!
    [版主回覆03/15/2013 23:51:55]Thanks for your impromptu poem. Here's one in reply.
    Spring comes,
    Spring goes,
    Friends come,
    Let them stay so.

  6. 葉子和花兒都非常好看! 特別是葉子、 每每有不同色調叫人驚喜! ~~~~~~~ 呀、 那 "巨花" 好像叫 "曼陀羅" 呢! 希望沒記錯! ~~~~~ 在山頂 "走一圈" 的小徑上也有一棵!
    [版主回覆03/16/2013 13:03:26]Yes, you're right. Although I go out to the countryside every month, I never cease to be amazed by the variety of shapes, colors, and textures of different kinds of leaves whether, blending in with flowers or standing alone or together. Thanks for identifying the flower for me. I have since found out that it's also called 醉心花、狗核桃、醉仙桃、瘋茄兒、南洋金花、山茄子、鳳茄花、朝鮮牽牛花 and in English is called 'thorn apple".

  7. 很有春天的氣息
    [版主回覆03/16/2013 13:05:19]That's the whole point: to bring out a feeling of spring! Yes the thorn apple flower is pretty.

  8. Thank you for the spring shots! They "spring" !
    [版主回覆03/16/2013 13:06:15]Spring's very personality on display.
