
2013年7月14日 星期日

Images of Central (中環掠影)

Central is the commercial and financial hub of Hong Kong. It used to be more human with its quaint old colonial style Post Office, Fire Station, Star Ferry, Governor's House,St. John's Cathedral and Botanical Garden etc and old trams rumbling along metal rails with its "ding, ding" as it warns passers-by of its approach or as it turns corners. Not much of them are left now.

What we got now are the products of linear thinking: rational, logical, straightforward, inflexible, mechanical and dull. Even the sun must adapt to its geometrical forms

As a result of the terrorism of the structure of "rationalism", man is forced to squeeze himself into a tiny corner of his own creation

They must make their way in the narrow corridors between huge columns of giant structures

"Art" too has become an abstract  "commodity"  to be "exchanged" at the relevant "market price" in accordance with the mindless operation of the principles of the "art market". This one  presumably  is intended to boost the self-importance of the "Stock Exchange" , perhaps to confer upon it an air of "grace" and "elegance" but if so, it appears to be ill suited for such purpose. It is "massive" but looks curiously "ironic". If it wishes to express the hope of opposing its lowly feminine weight to the might and height of the masculine tower beside it such hope may be illusory.  It can only serve as its humble handmaid. What or who can oppose our "glorious" march towards "progress"  and "financial development", financial services being viewed as one the three "engines" of "growth" of our economy?   Through that humble hole, we get a glimpse of our present lack lustre economy. An air of gloom seems to hover over its feeble attempt to inject a bit of color to give the "appearance" that we're still doing fine.

Flies are supposed to have composite eyes which enable them to survey the same world from different angles. Modern architecture has provided us with its own technological version of the "fly's eye" too. Of course, the poverty in the number of perspectives it can provide stands out in stark contrast to the richness of the "fly's-eye" view.

We got to borrow sunlight to give it a bit more lustre but what we really want is to screen out the sun so that we may live and work and shop within an entirely artificial environment powered by neon or LED lights. We don't want Nature to interfere. We want to cut ourselves off Nature..

A twisted view

a poor attempt at diversity

Ironically, the monuments of its magnificence may be distorted even by its own "eyes"

Perhaps only an "outsider" may notice this?

Who else has the "time" to be bothered?

An unintended effect of one of its perspectives

The sun working its magic

The sun at it again

Beside the richness of the most common tree leaves: the way they are criss-crossed by veins, big and small, the way they align themselves along a branch, the way different branches get out of the way of each other, the way their leaves change colors and textures when they are still buds, when they mature and when they fade away and then drop off, the way their colors and textures blend with the stalks, filled with tiny hairs, the bark of the tree, which break into grooves, channels, patches, the way they create flowers, with a huge variety of colors, tints and hues, they way they gradually morph into each other, the the intricate structure of its stamens, its calyxes etc.... the so-called "ingenuity" of human artifice, upon which man so prides himself, pales into almost total insignificance from its "crudity".

Man the indefatiguable and noisy builder

Tree, the indomitable silent hero of imperceptible growth under almost impossible conditions

Plants struggling to get a bit of the sun beside the escalator. I salute you.

13 則留言:

  1. 光與影及折射扭曲的傑作
    [無明十郎回覆07/15/2013 16:06:24]雪山飛狐哥哥又蝦我,除咗我,其他人都係咁講,唔通個個都being polite
    [版主回覆07/15/2013 08:17:14]It's obvious you're just being polite. They're very far from being good. Just part of my constant experiments.

  2. 玻璃屏幕的反映幾有趣呢!
    [版主回覆07/15/2013 08:18:18]Yes, that's why I took the photos.

  3. El Zorro 影的反映好看,取的角度特別又有風格。
    [版主回覆07/15/2013 08:25:36]I'm trying to experiment with new ways of looking at our world.

  4. 鏡頭下玻璃幕牆反映出來的景物,效果很特別。
    [版主回覆07/16/2013 23:08:14]Yes, that how I found them too. That's why I captured them.

  5. 好美麗的抽象圖案,看得著迷!
    [版主回覆07/16/2013 23:08:45]Glad you like them. They could have been much better though.

  6. 選材獨特,手法別具一格的相片!
    [版主回覆07/16/2013 23:09:26]Such images are constantly changing with the condition of sunlight, clouds etc.


  7. [版主回覆07/16/2013 23:09:47]Thank you for your compliments.

  8. The composition is quite special and creative.
    [版主回覆07/16/2013 23:10:18]The images are found, not invented.

  9. People like to pose in front of distorting mirrors and derive tremendous amusement from the myriad changes in their own twisted images. Why are images look so mesmerizing in a distorting mirror? Are we tired of our own real selves and need a bit of illusion to make ourselves happier? Could it be the same with lies?
    [版主回覆07/16/2013 23:11:17]We are always tired with the familiar. Man needs difference, not identity!

  10. I salute the escalator for its hard working.
    [版主回覆07/17/2013 17:45:41]You're are truly transcendent and have succeeded in breaking down all barriers between the animate and the inanimate: truly at one with the escalator? ! !

  11. 最喜歡第二幅, 有人氣, 時代感又真實.
    [版主回覆07/19/2013 10:15:43]Glad you like it.

  12. I like the way you put the photos together with your words of personal reflection, full of cold irony. The abstractive ones with distorted images are great.
    [版主回覆07/29/2013 07:42:18]Glad you like them.

  13. #4 is my favorite .
    [版主回覆07/29/2013 09:12:02]Still learning, very far from a being a veteran!
    [卜司晨回覆07/29/2013 08:08:59]I would say the composition is incredible! A veteran!
    [版主回覆07/29/2013 07:43:34]Perhaps the reflection more than the photo?
